Inspiration for THE GREEN BOOK

Over the past decade, there have been many individuals, organizations, and businesses emerging
in the field of sustainability. Among them, some have already achieved significant milestones, while others are still in the process of brainstorming ideas, trying out actions, or materializing their ideals. Some are even still searching for resonant solutions.

Amidst these efforts, there are many inspiring ideas, philosophies, and execution strategies worth learning. If someone could share and connect them through deeper levels of insight, perhaps that may be enough t o launch a chain of opportunities and establish different nodes along the path towards sustainability, sparking new possibilities and expanding the scope of social impact.

The Green Book is...
a book or platform that opens up various possibilities.

THE GREEN BOOK: A Guide to Taiwan’s Green Actions and Solutions is not just a book, but also a catalyst for ideas and action. The purpose of this project is to facilitate the birth and realization of more innovative business models that promote the core value of sustainability.

Although modern society still primarily operates on a linear economic model, we are finding that increasingly more people are willing to consider breaking the limits of capitalism, including aspects such as production, consumption, and disposal.

This type of reflection can be considered a prerequisite for anticipating and achieving sustainable development, and as well as the true path for us to embrace a thriving vision. Therefore, what we aim to do is not just to launch a product or service, but to actively establish a multi-directional platform for a collaborative creation of value.

As a result, this project is ultimately intended for the general public as it invites all aspiring individuals to participate in the submission process. The review committee will then carefully select and recommend Taiwan's most promising examples of sustainable solutions and actions.

Along with such a call for submissions, the participation of companies, organizations, and individuals will elevate the tightness of this network, accelerating the promotion of green innovation transformation across every corner of Taiwan. It may even leverage Taiwan's role as a key link in the global production supply chain, catalyzing the maximization of sustainable intentions, benefits, and values.

Fallen blossoms are not an unfeeling thing, though turned to mud, they nurture the growth of flowers next spring
- Gong Zizhen, a poet from the Qing Dynasty (1792-1841)

The pursuit of sustainability by humankind has never been about returning to a primitive state of nature. Rather, it is about learning from nature in the search for continuous growth and prosperity. Just like how fallen petals on the ground may seem emotionless, they nevertheless silently contribute to the beauty of the next stage of life.

In summary, THE GREEN BOOK serves as both a solution and an action; it is both micro and macro.We hope that through the collective wisdom gathered by a process of citizen co-editing, more leaders and activists will emerge in the global sustainability movement , prompting concrete sustainability actions throughout various aspects of life and initiating waves of positive bottom up cycles for this land and our future generations.
